Superdrol 10

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✅ Manufacturer:  Dragon Pharma
✅ Brand Name:  Superdrol 10
✅ Dosage forms:  100 tabs (10mg/tab)
✅ Drug Status:         Androgens and anabolic steroids
✅ Active Substance:   Methyldrostanolone
✅ Generic name:  Superdrol

Superdrol is an anabolic androgenic steroid comprised of the active steroidal hormone Methyldrostanolone. This is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid or more specifically a structurally altered form of Drostanolone. Superdrolis simply the Drostanolone hormone with an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion and officially classifies it as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroid. It also carries an added methyl group at the carbon two position, which greatly increases its anabolic power. These slight alterations will also reduce Superdrol’s androgenicity compared to Masteron, which isn’t all that androgenic to begin with. On a structural basis, Superdrol carries an anabolic rating of 400; nearly four times that of Masteron. It will also carry an androgenic rating of 20, which is extremely mild. This is a non-aromatizing anabolic steroid carrying no estrogenic or progesterone activity. Superdrol will notably enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Protein synthesis refers to the rate by which cells build proteins and nitrogen represents a key component in muscle tissue composition. The enhancement in both areas promotes a stronger anabolic atmosphere enabling the individual to build more lean tissue or preserve it during a calorie restricted state. The hormone will also significantly increase red blood cell count providing greater muscular endurance. This is due to red blood cells being responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood and the increase in cells providing greater blood oxygenation.

Effects of Superdrol:

When looking at the effects of Superdrol, the best way to describe the steroid as is a total body transforming product. Through its marketing campaign it was touted as being a more powerful mass builder than Anadrol, hence the name Superdrol; a play on words “Super Anadrol.” However, athletes who have used both will attest the effects of Superdrol will in no way lead to mass gains even comparable to Anadrol. However, significant gains in lean tissue can be made so as long as adequate calories are consumed. A gain of 5-10lbs is more than possible and will not be accompanied by the water retention Anadrol often brings. The individual should also find he is able to make cleaner off-season gains due to the effects of Superdrol promoting a stronger metabolism. This is not to say body fat cannot be gained, but you should be able to make better use of your caloric surplus when Superdrol is in play.

The effects of Superdrol can also be very beneficial to the dieting athlete as a cutting steroid. This compound will greatly preserve lean tissue during a caloric deficit, a key component to successful dieting.

Side Effects of Superdrol:

Those with high cholesterol or existing liver issues must not use this anabolic steroid. Possible androgenic side effects of Superdrol include acne, hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth.  The androgenic nature of Superdrol can also promote virilization in women. Such side effects of Superdrol include body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. The side effects of Superdrol in this category can be some of the most concerning of all. The Methyldrostanolone hormone can have a strong, negative impact on lipids by significantly lowering HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and increasing LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). The side effects of Superdrol will include natural testosterone suppression in all men who use the steroid, and it will be significant. Superdol, like all C17-aa anabolic steroids, is hepatotoxic and can potentially stress and damage the liver. Use must not be undertaken if the liver isn’t healthy. 

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